Clean and Green in Atlanta at our Eco-Friendly Hotel

At Emory Conference Center Hotel in Atlanta, being environmentally responsible is a central part of who we are. From serving only rainforest-friendly coffee to reducing our water consumption, we believe the greener choices we make matter—both to our guests and to the long-term health of our planet. If you are dedicated to taking care of our planet and ensuring it will be around for future generations, we are your kind of hotel.

Caring About Our Future

Being Green Comes Naturally at Emory Conference Center Hotel

The Emory Conference Center Hotel takes great pride in our environmental responsibility. Every day steps ensure we are doing our part for the environment and these include...

Our Day to Day Green Initiatives Include:

-Converting our kitchen waste oils to bio-diesel fuel to power Emory University Buses

-Using a centralized recycling system for plastic and cardboard waste

-Using environmentally friendly cleaning supplies

-In meeting room water stations to reduce plastic bottle consumption

-Recycled paper products used for to-go consumption containers

-Donation of used linens to local charities

-Guestroom towel reuse program in place

-Regular training of our employees regarding green practices

When we renovated the property in 2022, we took it a step further by…

-12 Electric vehicle charging stations were add to our North Parking Deck

-Solar panels for reusable energy were added to our South Parking Deck

-90% LED lighting was installed throughout the property

-Majority of paint and carpeting composed of low VOC (volatile organic compounds)

-Installed energy STAR rated water heaters for guestrooms, kitchen and laundry

-In-room sensors installed in guestrooms to provide for more efficient energy consumption  


Green Awards & Accolades

Our dedication to being an eco-friendly hotel is more than just lip service, and we have the accolades to prove it.

  • EARTHPACT Certified
  • Earned TripAdvisor's "Green Leader" Gold Level
  • Multiple "Good Earthkeeping" Award winner from GHLA